Free Frappuccino and Free Grace

Being the coffee lover that I am, I often look for coupons, discounts, or free offers that might support my current practice of coffee indulgence. While at the Denver airport this week, on my way to Bozeman, I was waiting in line for my sandwich when an unsuspecting employee asked me if I liked Frappuccino’s. As you know this is not my usual go to, especially because it was a salted caramel Frappuccino. I’m the simple black coffee with a very small drop of cream type of drinker. At this time, the employee asked if I would like a free Frappuccino because he had been watching me and I looked like a really nice person. Blushing and flattered, I accepted the drink. A bit sweet for me and not quite enough coffee flavor, but it made me happy nonetheless.
This gift got me to remembering the chapters of my book, Grace and Strong Coffee, and some of my previous blogs about free grace. Our glorious Father God gives us free grace on a minute-by-minute basis if we choose to accept it. His grace is given to us simply because he loves us; totally free. We don’t have to look like a nice person to earn it. We also don’t have to be without sin or be perfect. We just have complete access to it simply because we have faith in this amazing God.
As the month closes, and we end this study on faith, it is fitting to bring free grace back into the picture. Afterall, faith and grace go hand-in-hand. I really don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that all people desire to get something free. That’s why I am always on the lookout. It’s also why I enjoy giving to friends and family because I know they love to get free, unexpected gifts. I love to take my son and his wife and three kids, out to dinner often. They never say, “no”. They love free dinner. Although, I like to think they love hanging out with my husband and me as well. I love to give my teacher friends free treats once in a while or bring them free coffee in the morning. They love to get something free. Who wouldn’t?
So, why then don’t people run to the free grace of Jesus Christ? Why is there not a faith in this Man who promises this free gift of salvation? I think the idea of “free” makes some people instantly believe that they must give something in return in order to keep what is given to them for free. When I was given the free Frappuccino, I knew instantly that I did not have to do anything in return for the enjoyment of this beverage. The thing is that in order for me to receive this free drink, someone had to mess up first, so really something was given in return. The store lost money because a mistake was made in the making of the drink. Someone along the line paid for this free gift. I am sure that people are afraid to have faith because they are afraid of what they think they will have to give up in order to receive the free grace. They are so unknowing about how God works that they lack the trust to have the faith. Truth is, all we have to do is have faith in the One who saved us. He is the one who paid the price for this grace, we just get to receive it.
So, why should we have faith in a God we cannot see? Let me give you some reasons:
1. James 1:6 – “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” We can’t expect to receive anything from God if we don’t believe we will receive it. It’s like expecting a paycheck when you don’t have a job. Asking for something when you don’t even have a faith that you will receive it is such a waste of time because it’s not going to happen. Having faith in a God whom you know and believe will be in charge of and take care of everything when you go to him in faith is the only way to be assured that he will come through. Afterall, He is the God who knows everything. He knows the outcome of everything before it even happens, so he certainly will be ready when you ask and don’t doubt. In fact, He already has it all worked out for you, he’s just waiting for you to ask and believe.
2. Mark 9:23 --“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
This was spoken to the Disciples and the man who held his son who was possessed by demons. The man asked Jesus to cast out the demons “if He could”. Certainly, He could. Christ can do all things. If we will just have faith and trust Him with the things that are most important to us, he is certain to meet us there and is able to take care of it all. Our prayer should be of praise in asking and knowing that He can and He WILL take cars of our requests to him. Praise Him in advance for being in control of it all when you come to him with requests.
3. Proverbs 3:5-6 -- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” God is so worthy of our trust. Our job now is to get out of our own way. Oh boy, are we in our own way. We are not in control of a single thing in this life. God is in control of it all. When we decide to have faith and submit to Him in ALL things, he will make a way. He will make a way knowing exactly what is best for us on this Earth. Having this faith is completely trusting God and in doing this we will live in hope and joy.
4. John 11:40 --“Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” God knows his complete plan for us. He knows what he is doing. It is actually a sin and offense to our Great God to try to take control of each situation. Let Him do his great work. He knows what he is doing. We should not and cannot doubt His plan. He has it all worked out and, in the end, we will see the glory of God in our lives. It is difficult sometimes because we live in a world that wants the instant gratification, but if we can put ourselves aside for our God of Grace, he promises that we will see the great outcome.
Receiving the free grace of God through faith will lead us to glory. Having faith in God will take away the insecurities, fears, worry. It is not to say that we won’t ever have these things, but it is said over and over in scripture that if we believe and have faith in the One who paid the price for the free gift, we will receive the free grace. The grace that comes in the form of hope, security, financial stability, freedom from addiction, peace in families, renewed relationships, joy. If this free grace is what you are looking for in your life, then your next step is to profess your faith in Christ. Profess it out loud to your friends, in the quiet of your heart, to a mentor, a spouse. Christ will know where your faith lies. Christ will know of your faith and will be busy at work freeing you with his grace.
Now, grab your next drink. Try a green tea matcha, new and different for me, not really my favorite for its lack of caffeine, but might interest you. I’m having a latte at Rockford Coffee Roasters on Bozeman, Montana. I’m choosing to put my total faith in Christ today and to allow Him to be in control, rather than getting in His way. He’s got this, ya’ know!?!?
Love this! I read something recently that said “i believe in God, but i don’t believe God”. If we are going to profess that we believe and follow God then we also need to believe in His promises