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Taking a Coffee Break for Grace

Updated: Oct 14, 2024


”this He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” (Acts 14:17 NIV)


When was the last time you took a break? Often, we take a break to rejuvenate or get caught up. Maybe you took a break recently to reconnect with family or a friend, or a break from work to have a child or even to recuperate. This summer I took a break from writing. It was necessary for me to have time to rejuvenate, study, listen, be quiet, and to fill my soul. During this break I was filled in so many ways. I took a trip to Mexico with girlfriends and was renewed by the joy they bring into my life. I camped with my family and learned how to let my son be a dad without interfering. I wrote a short memoir piece about my cancer journey and it was chosen to be published in a compilation style book. I sat with God and read through Corinthians 1 and 2, Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians. And, in every thing I did, God showed up in magical, determined, pre-planned ways displaying His grace like I haven’t noticed in a while, yet is was always there.

            I struggled with seeing God’s grace, not because it wasn’t there or He wasn’t offering it, but because I was so busy I couldn’t see it for the activities I thought were so important. When I began writing all I wanted to do was share the grace of God with everyone, yet somewhere along the line I became overwhelmed by trying to speak for God rather than allowing Him to speak through me. He has enough to say, I don’t have to force His words. He has more than enough for us to see and know, I don’t have to do anything but sit and listen and allow Him to share it with me. That’s what I would like to help you with today. I would like to help you see how God shares His grace with you and how to sit in the stillness, listen and notice it.

            Grace, as defined when we sit in church is receiving favor we don’t deserve. We often think of it in terms of our salvation and rescue from sin. No, we don’t deserve Christ being hung on a cross to die so we may see heaven despite our sinful ways. No, we don’t deserve it in any way and when you really think about it, it is truly awful. But it is the truest picture of God’s grace. The picture of Christ dying so we can live should make your heart race and stomach turn because it is so unfathomable. Grace in our everyday, simple lives, though is not always this grand. Yet, because ostentations events show up every day, grace exists in a way we will never comprehend. God is able to change us through His grace. We can see how it changes our external circumstances, but how, then, does it change the core of who you are?

            Grace is not a one-time event. It is actually a living and active presence in the form of the Holy Spirit. Grace is the Helper who guides us and reminds us of God’s truth when we forget. This shows up at times when you are about to speak and continue the rampant rumors, yet you keep your mouth shut and say a prayer instead. Actual grace helps us in our everyday decisions and guides us in remembering the fruit of the Spirit each time we make a decision to act. Grace in this form reminds us, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness” (Galatians 5:22 CSB), and tells us this is the way to behave.

            Grace is continual, lovely, and life-changing. Knowing grace in this way allows you to have faith wonderful things are being done for you and are already planned out perfectly. It rescues us from ourselves and our often atrocious decisions by making us new thinkers and doers. When your old self passes we see grace taking place in our lives as is shared with us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!” (CSB)

            Grace also looks like conviction. It isn’t always wrapped up in a pretty bow. It causes us to feel sadness in our gut because we act out of line. It triggers tears when we have behaved badly and so differently than Christ would like us to. But it will then become growth and obedience as we ask for repentance and seek God as the source of change in our lives and cry out to Him for forgiveness. Grace causes us to look more like Jesus; to love better and sin less.

            We see grace in the undeserved tangible help that sustains us every moment of our lives. As Paul tells us in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ” (CSB). When God meets our needs in times of struggles, it is His grace. It often looks like people who surround us. It looks like my sister listening to me cry when I tell her I feel lost. It is the forgiveness from a parent when you have spoken disrespectfully and have not listened. It looks like a friend who steps up and lends you money when you just don’t know how you are going to make it. It’s coffee with a trusted brown-haired friend, or a text with kisses when another knows you are down.

            Grace is everywhere, we just have to start looking for it. Acts 14:17 shows us grace is in everything around us by saying, “this He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” (NIV). Grace is in your child’s smile when she sees you; in the sunset aglow with orange at the end of the day. It is a strong cup of coffee made from beans your husband brought back from Guatemala. Grace is the joy and excitement of your son and daughter-in-law as they laugh with their first puppy.

            The profound splendor of grace is we don’t deserve it at all, yet it is unconditional. We don’t warrant salvation, or the help of the Holy Spirit, and we aren’t worthy of the beauty and joy of this life. Yet, because God loves us so much and sent His son to die for us, we get to encounter grace in each of these ways and even more.

            Take a break every day and begin to notice God’s grace in your day. Be thankful for the Holy Spirit working in and around you. Point out the beauty of your world and rejoice in the freedom you have because Christ saved you. Let this grace draw you closer to a life with Jesus because there is no other way to live than in His presence.


A Prayer for Today

Lord God, You are truly amazing. All I need is to live for You and relish in Your amazing grace. Help me see You in every situation I face and in every place I walk. I want to be more like You. Help me direct people to Your grace so they may live in freedom.


Today’s Challenge

Listen to the Holy Spirit today and notice how He is guiding you. Write down one event where He intervened.

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