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The Beauty of Forgiveness

Updated: 3 days ago

My beautiful friend Rachel's hands.
My beautiful friend Rachel's hands.

Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out…

Acts 3:19 CSB


            When was the last time you stood and really looked at something intricate and noticed its beauty? Kids love to pick up leaves in the fall and crumple them in their hands, never taking time to look at the intricacy of how a leaf is made. Have you traveled somewhere recently where you stopped to look, really take in, the landscape around you and see the beauty of it all?

            On a recent trip to Cabo San Lucas, I took a boat ride out to see Lover’s Beach. This beach is unique because on one side you can stand in the water of the Sea of Cortez, yet on the other you would be standing in the Pacific Ocean. On the boat was a young lady originally from a south American country, but now living in the United States. She had never been to Mexico, nor seen anything like this beach. It was almost if she had been kept locked up for a very long time. When she saw the beach, she became almost hysterical, sobbing, laughing, giddy from the sight and idea of the water situation this beach afforded. She looked at this site with such awe, and true unbelief. I, then, was in awe of her beauty because she was so moved by its beauty.

            There is a passage in Acts 3 that mentions Peter and John entering the temple through the Beautiful Gate. Scholars believe it was named this because of the ornate metal work and carvings and possibly because it was the entrance to something very holy and good. Not much is mentioned about the gate in the Word, but what happened at the gate is beautiful indeed.

            Peter and John would have passed through this gate often, as going to pray at the temple happened at least 3 times a day during Pentecost. It’s not clear exactly where the gate was situated, but would have been a passage that many, many people used. This is true because at the gate, a lame man sat begging for alms. He would have wanted to position himself in a place where he could be visible to as many people as possible in order to raise the money he needed. Peter and John would have seen him each and every day. This day was different though. God had recently imparted the Holy Spirit on His believers and with this bold, new, courageousness, Peter was able to address this lame man and proclaim he would be healed and should get up and walk.

            It’s a beautiful story of the faith Peter had and the faith of a man to believe, instantly, he could walk after so many years of being an invalid. Faith is such a stunning action to behold. The faith Peter had that day glows from the pages of the Bible. I say this because witnessing such faith can only be displayed as startling and vivid.

            As magnificent as this story is, I was really struck by the overwhelming delight of the verses which came a bit further on. Peter took this miracle and boosted it. He proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the temple. The people in the temple were simply astonished by the miracle and now Peter had everyone’s attention. He took this opportunity to admonish the Jewish leaders for killing the Prince of Life and petitioning them to repent so they would be saved; sharing the gospel.

Here is where the truest beauty of the story lies. Peter says, “Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out,” (Acts 3:19 CSB). Wiped out!! Like erasing the chalkboard. Just like using the eraser on your No. 2 pencil to erase the mistake you have just written. Exactly like using the delete button when you have misspelled a word. The ink of our sin washed away by the blood of Jesus hanging on a cross. BEAUTIFUL!

Peter was sharing the promise of a new life for anyone who would humble themselves enough to have faith, ask for forgiveness, and begin living a life pleasing to God.

We have this promise as well. We can read this story and place ourselves in the position of all of these people in the temple and walk away as a free person, forgiven of every sin, clean as a new page of paper. White, shiny, fresh, free! This is the beauty of forgiveness.

I pray your desire is to live a life forgiven and free. It may not seem real right now, but as you surrender to God and have faith in what He promises, you will become so emancipated, it will glow from the new person you have become. You cannot begin to believe the joy you will feel when you are completely forgiven. Others will notice, but more importantly, you will walk in a new life full of hope, joy, and beauty.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, thank You for making us new and clean when we choose to have faith and repent. Your mercies are so beautiful and each person’s story of redemption shines with this beauty. I pray I am able to notice my need for repentance and have the faith and belief that You will wipe my slate clean each time. Help me to shine with Your glory because of Your free gift of forgiveness.

Today’s Challenge

As you repent today, look closely at the beauty of your clean slate as you accept His grace and forgiveness. Be aware of how this beauty changes you and glows from every part of your life.

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